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20 March 2020 08:00 - 21 March 2020 16:00, Jhelum, Pakistan

Registration is open and abstracts are accepted till March 10, 2020 for the two day biennial Scientific Colloquium Spring-2020 on advances in various fields of Science particularly CHEMISTRY including;
  • Advanced Materials
  • Nano science and Nanotechnology
  • Climate and Environmental Studies
  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy
  • Synthetic Chemistry 
The conference aims at providing a platform for active researchers both national and international to share and discuss latest developments in various fields of chemistry.
It also provides knowledge seekers including researchers, industry and academia from across the country and abroad to broaden their collaboration in the areas of mutual interest to serve the humanity. It will also help all these people to acquaint themselves to teaching techniques and research.
The conference program will consists of keynote lectures by renowned professors having excellence in their respective fields. It will be followed by invited lectures, poster presentations and question answer which also includes questions and out puts from participants.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
Punjab Higher Education Commission
Government Postgraduate College Jhelum

Altaf Auditorium , Government Postgraduate College Jhelum, Civil lines, Tahlianwala , Tahlianwala Road, Jhelum, 49600, Pakistan

Organised by
AQ Khan Chemical Society, Government Postgraduate College Jhelum, Pakistan
Contact information
Dr Shahid Saeed Qureshi
Government Postgraduate College Jhelum, Pakistan
Contact us by email

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