Our speaker has had a convoluted path to his current role as Public Analyst, Technical Manager and Analytical Services Manager at Kent Scientific Services (how many hats is that!), having been born in Wales and studied at East Lothian in Scotland before taking his first job in Kent with KCC in 1988! He was appointed Kent Public Analyst in 2002 and in 2015 was elected President of The Association of Public Analysts, taking the lead in discussions with central and local government bodies
The talk will cover the history of Public Analysts, the UK network of Public Analyst laboratories, the scope of work they carry out and much, much more including an insight into the way Jon’s laboratories protect us from the food we eat and those who would adulterate it and potentially cause us harm!!
NB There will be a £5.00 charge to offset the cost of a buffet meal with drinks after the lecture at approximately 2030
Members and partners/guests are welcome at the AGM and lecture
The talk will cover the history of Public Analysts, the UK network of Public Analyst laboratories, the scope of work they carry out and much, much more including an insight into the way Jon’s laboratories protect us from the food we eat and those who would adulterate it and potentially cause us harm!!
NB There will be a £5.00 charge to offset the cost of a buffet meal with drinks after the lecture at approximately 2030
Members and partners/guests are welcome at the AGM and lecture